EN : Hi, friends! Today there will be no outfits :) Just BEAUTY! I would like to share with you some of my favorites in skin care.
1. CLEANSING: As I said, I have combination skin (oily-normal) and for cleansing I prefer kaolin clay products. I tested a lot of different masks, and now my favorite one is WARMING MINERAL MASK of The Body shop. The most interesting thing that it’s self-warming, I suppose it can be a reason why it cleans so well. After put it on the wet face skin, it becomes warm immediately, and I love the feeling, leave for 5 minutes and rinse. I saw the result: the skin looks fresh , it becames even lighter. I make this deep cleaning for skin once a week ( on the tube it was described “once or twice a week” but for me once is enough), it’s not a product for everyday use.
2. And now EVERYDAY CLEANSING: last two months I prefer PERFECTING FACE POLISH by Organic Surge. The product has very soft texture, the scrubing pieces not irritate the skin and exfoliating well, also the smell is pleasant :) I found this one in englist online shop. At first I was afraid that it can be not appropriate for everyday use for my sensitive skin, but after 2 months using it every day I’m fully satisfied. Besides I like it to be 98% natural (as described on the tube).
3. MOISTURIZE: I would like to leave reviwes for moisturzing creams for other post, and here I want to tell you about other kind of beauty product, which is not so popular, but fully deserves to become famous. I’m talking about natural oil, the full name is CERTIFIED ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL by Trilogy. I know that a lot of woman avoid to use natural oils because of feeling of stickiness and something “heavy” on the face. But it’s not really so. I use just 3-4 drops of the oil, massage it into face, and leave it for the whole night (I don’t use it during the day). The oil easily absorbed.
RU : Здравствуйте, друзья! Сегодня поговорим о красоте, а точнее о средствах ухода за кожей, представлю вам нескольких своих фаворитов и расскажу о каждом поподробнее. Собственно, начнет. У меня очень чувствительная , склонная к покраснениям кожа, местами склонная к жирности. Выбираю средства ухода очень внимательно, всегда ищу более натуральные продукты. Пока что не пользуюсь средствами против старения, только очищение + увлажнение.
1. CLEANSING: As I said, I have combination skin (oily-normal) and for cleansing I prefer kaolin clay products. I tested a lot of different masks, and now my favorite one is WARMING MINERAL MASK of The Body shop. The most interesting thing that it’s self-warming, I suppose it can be a reason why it cleans so well. After put it on the wet face skin, it becomes warm immediately, and I love the feeling, leave for 5 minutes and rinse. I saw the result: the skin looks fresh , it becames even lighter. I make this deep cleaning for skin once a week ( on the tube it was described “once or twice a week” but for me once is enough), it’s not a product for everyday use.
2. And now EVERYDAY CLEANSING: last two months I prefer PERFECTING FACE POLISH by Organic Surge. The product has very soft texture, the scrubing pieces not irritate the skin and exfoliating well, also the smell is pleasant :) I found this one in englist online shop. At first I was afraid that it can be not appropriate for everyday use for my sensitive skin, but after 2 months using it every day I’m fully satisfied. Besides I like it to be 98% natural (as described on the tube).
3. MOISTURIZE: I would like to leave reviwes for moisturzing creams for other post, and here I want to tell you about other kind of beauty product, which is not so popular, but fully deserves to become famous. I’m talking about natural oil, the full name is CERTIFIED ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL by Trilogy. I know that a lot of woman avoid to use natural oils because of feeling of stickiness and something “heavy” on the face. But it’s not really so. I use just 3-4 drops of the oil, massage it into face, and leave it for the whole night (I don’t use it during the day). The oil easily absorbed.
RU : Здравствуйте, друзья! Сегодня поговорим о красоте, а точнее о средствах ухода за кожей, представлю вам нескольких своих фаворитов и расскажу о каждом поподробнее. Собственно, начнет. У меня очень чувствительная , склонная к покраснениям кожа, местами склонная к жирности. Выбираю средства ухода очень внимательно, всегда ищу более натуральные продукты. Пока что не пользуюсь средствами против старения, только очищение + увлажнение.
ОЧИЩЕНИЕ: из последних средств, которые я пробовала, очень полюбилась маска на основе глины от The Body Shop, полное название продукта WARMING MINERAL MASK. Маска с разогревающим эффектом, то есть когда наносите ее на влажную кожу лица она тут же начинает греть кожу, ощущение приятное, видимо из-за этого очищает лучше, нежели другие маски на основе глины, которые я пробовала ранее. Держу 5 минут, смываю теплой водой. Кожа чистая и светлая, я вижу реальную разницу между состоянием "до" и "после", не сушит кожу - по крайней мере со мной такого не случалось, и на тюбике указано "для всех типов кожи", но , конечно, я все равно наношу увлажняющее средство после очищения, это норма. Пользуюсь масочкой уже 3 месяца (поэтому на фото сильно использованный тюбик:) , довольна, наношу раз в неделю (это не средство ежедневного использования!) .