суббота, 13 января 2018 г.



Hi, friends! Do you have red lipstick i your beauty case or you hesitate and think that's too much ? Or maybe you are not sure that red color suits you? Forget about your doubts ! Let's talk today about this beauty must have , some nyths about red lipstick and how every woman can make red lipstick the main and gorgeous point in the whole look.

The first thing that you should understand is when we talk about "red lipstick" we don't talk about one definite color. There are huge amount of red shades , some of them you can see on the pic below. So it's wrong to say that red lipstick doesn't suit you at all, maybe you just still didn't find YOUR red shade. 

How to choose your ideal red color ? Right color should make your face fresh , eye more expressive and bright ...If yoy apply some shade of red lipstick and see that your skin looks dull and with more redness, teeth are not so white like in reality - so that's definatelly not your red shade, try another one.

For me it also takes quite a lot of time to find my red shades , but finally I found them and adore to use them in my make up.

Just pay attention on your lips before using red lipstick - lips shouldn't be dry...So  it's a good idea to delicate scrub your lips with tooth brush (or by using special lip scrubs) and apply lip balm before lipstick (any lipstick , not just red). In this case your lips will look perfect!

If you heard that red lipstick is ot appropriate for daily make up - forget about it , in modern fashion word this beauty product can be use anytime during a day and with any kind of outfit - from t-shirt with jeans to elegant dress. There are more no limits , just listen to your fashion sense.

Red lipstick can become main point in your outfit and even this small but extremly impostant detail can make the whole look "finished". How it can be? Imagine total beige outfit - without some bright detail there is a big risk to look boring and too usual. But with red lipstick this look immediately turns to chic and modern. Total black or total gray outfits - the same thing , red lipstick will make it absolutely gorgeous. Casual look with striped top and jeans , or even white t-shirt and jeans - red lipstick and trendy bag will move this look to higher fahion level. See examples on pics below...

So , no doubts , just go and buy your first red lipstick if you still don't have one ! ;) Look for your perfect color and brand , and use it bravely in daily and evening outfits!

Thank you for your attention!


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