четверг, 18 ноября 2021 г.

READY FOR THE WINTER : HOW I help my immunity

READY FOR THE WINTER : HOW I help my immunity ...

Hi, friends! Today is a time for some talks about our health, I will share with you what vitamins I use to help my immunity and my kids.

Autumn and winter are the seasons when our immunity needs additional help , besides healthy food. Every year during October/ November I buy vitamins for myself and my daughter. This year my choice are : Multivitamins for kids  by "Mivolis" (from DM droggerie) , Multivitamins for Adults  , Cink & Vitamin C tablets, Fish oil with vit.D and E.

Besides we love to make lemon ice 🍋 just squeeze a lemon to have some fresh lemon juice , put it in ice molds and left in fridge until it became an ice. Then add one lemon ice in glass of water , it refreshes well, gives you a lot of vit. C and have detox effect 👌 And surelly don't forget about seasonal citrus like oranges and tangerines ....

Thank you for your attention , and I wish you to be healthy and happy ! 💛

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